Installation wizard

Viewing and signing of electronic documents on this website is performed by Disig Web Signer application. Detailed description of its installation and usage can be found in the User's Guide:

Download User's Guide

The wizard below checks the ability of your browser to use Web Signer application and will help you quickly set everything up:


1. Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or newer is required.

2. Support for ActiveX controls

Your browser needs to be able to run ActiveX controls on this website.
Microsoft has published a detailed guide explaining steps required to enable ActiveX controls.

3. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be installed on your computer.

If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer

4. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Mozilla Firefox browser

Mozilla Firefox 55 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome 53 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Microsoft Edge browser

Microsoft Edge 42 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Unknown browser

Your browser is not supported. Please use a different browser.

1. Mozilla Firefox browser

Mozilla Firefox 55 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer (.deb 64-bit) Download Disig Web Signer (.deb 32-bit)

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome 53 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer (.deb 64-bit) Download Disig Web Signer (.deb 32-bit)

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Microsoft Edge browser

Microsoft Edge 42 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer (.deb 64-bit) Download Disig Web Signer (.deb 32-bit)

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Unknown browser

Your browser is not supported. Please use a different browser.

1. Mozilla Firefox browser

Mozilla Firefox 55 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome 53 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Microsoft Edge browser

Microsoft Edge 42 or newer is required.

2. Disig Web Signer application

Disig Web Signer 2 application must be running on your computer.

If it is already installed on your computer, launch it via the start menu.
If it is not installed on your computer yet, please download and install it.

Download Disig Web Signer

3. Disig Web Signer version

Disig Web Signer 2.0.4 or newer is required.

Application can be updated by right-clicking its icon displayed in system tray (near the clock) and selecting "Check for updates" option.

1. Unknown browser

Your browser is not supported. Please use a different browser.

Mobile browser

Application "Disig Web Signer Mobile" can be installed from the application store available on your device:

1. Unknown browser

Your browser is not supported. Please use a different browser.